I’ve waited over 20 years for a product like this to come onto the market.
“When I couldn’t find one, I decided to make it myself.”
David Gray, Inventor of ViperClip

What a journey! Down to our last few thousand pounds, with no income and a product to get ready for production, we took a chance and applied for Dragons' Den. This could make us or break us. Go in too soon and it's game over and leave it too late and we'll run out of money. So, we went for it, took a deep breath and took that leap.
It's interesting to watch the episode back. We didn't realise how nail-bitingly intense it was at the time, but seeing it again reminds us of the difficult decision we had in making our choice. Of course, you don't see the full 90 minutes of the pitch with the bombardment of questions and rapid fire answers. You don't get to see those key moments which helped form our decision but you do see the agonising choice we had.
But I suppose it's constantly been a case of making choices - whether to apply (were we ready, would they like the product), how much to ask for (what's that key valuation of the company which can make or break it with the Dragons) and could we demo our product in front of millions of viewers using a 3D printed power tool. If you haven't watched it, now's the time :)